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The Definitive Travel Nurse Skills Checklist
Travel nurses are a rare breed of health professional, making them holders of a serious set of skills that make them stand out in their

How Social Media and Nursing Coexist in 2018
Social media is one of the most addictive and widespread modern developments of the 20th and 21st centuries. It makes the world smaller, makes the

8 Travel Nurse Housing Facts That You Need to Know
When a travel nurse takes on a new assignment, they’re considering every aspect of their new position from their pay rate to where and how

5 Common Examples of Workplace Bullying in Nursing
Today, bullying is more common and rampant than ever before, and it’s showing up everywhere from online to inside professional workplaces. Some professions have a

4 Advantages & 4 Disadvantages of Technology in Nursing
We’re living in a digital age where everything is touched by technology. Our homes, our vehicles, our relationships, and of course, our jobs are all

Best Travel Nursing Locations in California In 2018
As a travel nurse, you have likely found that the best locations to work are those that offer great pay rates, prestigious hospitals, clinics, healthcare facility

What Nurses Love About Travel Nursing Jobs
Are you thinking of becoming a travel nurse? Whether you’ve been working as a traditional nurse in a hospital and need a change or are

Tips to Negotiating The Best Travel Nursing Contracts
As a seasoned travel nurse or a first-timer, you will typically work a 13-week contract at one facility, on one unit, with a compensation package

10 Advantages To Choosing the Right Travel and Per Diem Nurse Staffing Agency
If you work as a per diem or travel nurse and are looking for new opportunities, it may be time to explore and consider the

Some Of The Best Nursing Certifications To Have and How to Stand Out From The Competition
As a Registered Nurse, (RN) becoming a bit more knowledgeable in different areas of healthcare is a great way to make yourself more valuable in

Travel Nursing Tax Information (That You Can’t Afford Not to Know)
For new travel nurses, travel nursing tax information can be intimidating, fear-provoking, and at some point, discouraging. Imagine being overly excited to explore the world

How to Become a Travel Nurse in 5 Simple Steps
Intriguing destinations. Great pay. Resume-building experience. The life of a travel nurse is appealing to many people, both in and out of the nursing profession.